Everything I saw on tv, the commercials with the pics of children and poverty... I am seeing inreal life. It was heart breaking and overwhelming. Their clothes...or lack there of, no shoes... sleeping on the dirt...flies on their faces... children roaming around everywhere..by themseleves..in the road ...alone. Cars, buses, motorcycles, bycicles, all headed straight atg each other...No traffic signs or lights...or yellow lines. Its the craziest thing Ive ever seen! And the goats and cows everywhere.
When we got back from the villages ... Diana asked us to sing at the womens meeting that night. We practices a cpl of songs. I am struggling so bad..satan really doesn't want me to use my voice. It is sooo frustrating!!Pressed thru and we did great. BUT... ya wouldn't know it by the reaction from the crowd. lol...the women of Uganda were not moved. Our girls were praising though. So then, Diana preached and it was great. She was on fire!! THEN, we washed ALL the Ugandan womens feet. Like Jesus did the disciples... get it?? ;) Around 100 women!!!!!!!!!!!! It was crazy!!! It was humbling.
WHEN WE GOT back to the hotel we still did not have runing water. Some of us had not had a shower since leaving the states. :/ Soooo, we packed up and left the hotel. BUT not without incidence. The hotel ppl were not happy. And the hotel is where the Bridge of Hope church holds their services. The hotel personnel told Pastor James if we left then everyone has to leave and not come back...meaning they could not have church there anymore...and the encounter was to start the next day!!!They wouldn't help with our bags...and we had only had 52 bags!!!!!!!!!!!! Pastor James took it all in stridfe...he said "God works ALL things out for my good."
Pastor James had taken us earlier that day to see a building and land nearby, they are hoping that building will be the future church home. We walked around the building praying. We prayed for favor with the owner last night and TODAY he agreed to let Pastor James rent it!!!
We got to our new hotel and it was nice. We ate an amazing meal. Rice, chipatas and pineapple.
I just wanted to get back to the room and talk to Phillip. I did and NOTHING worked. I couldnt facetime or skype. and my heart was broken. I couldnt sleep. I just wanted to talk to them. My cell phone...even though I am PAYING for an international calling plan...will NOT work! :( I started reading and then the electricity went out. There was a bad thunderstorm.
I woke up and tried to call Phillip again and nothing. I was so disheartened. And it was encounter day!! Devotion by Don was great!!!! Then Encounter was absolute chaos!!! Almost none of the women spoke english. People kept coming in late. I mean we started at 9am and ppl were still trying to come in at lunch time!!!We had to turn people away. We had 53 people go thru and it went well overall. . We did use interpretors. It was hard to tell if they were receiving anything Keith said.
Small group time seemed to bring break thru for everyone!!! My group was Helen a widow and womens leader in Uganda.
Lilly, a pastors wife. Joy Beatrice, a widow. Grace, a widow and Florence, who was also my interpretor. She goes to BOH and is in the choir.
They are all great women. But also, greatly opressed and in bondage.They are all so hungry for the things of God. To grow and learn. But, none of them even have a Bible. its so sad. In America...we have Bibles readily available...and lots of people dont ever pick one up. I am praying for BREAK THRU and FREEDOM!!!!
Well, I fell asleep writing last night. Which, I guess was really a good thing. Kept my mind off the fact that I couldn't talk to my family. :( Everyone else was talking to theirs but me. I was waiting until Phillip got off work to talk to him and then skype lost my password and then the whole computer crashed...then I tried to get on Theresa's....and nothing. I tried to get a message to Phillip with theresa laptop but the a storm came thru and we lost power for the night. and now we have power but NO interneet :(. So, no communication with home. My hearts hurts so bad. I'm distracted. I can't even think about anything but them. AND we have an Encounter in a cpl of hours! I just want to go home. :( Please Lord, give me peace and comfort. And let me family know how very much i love them. Please comfort Phillip and give him peace that I am safe. I can't stand to think of him worrying. In Jesus name. amen.
morning devotion with Don:
Mathew 28:18-20
"Surely, I am with you always, even to the end."
1 John 3
"Show in action the love you have in Jesus"
God is greater than our feelings.
Love one another, those who obey God's commands remain in fellowship with him.
The Nile River starts and flows thru Africa. So shall the word of God start in Africa and flow OUT.
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