Everyone is back today. Theresa says she is 100%! Meredith is struggling a little. I got to talk to Phillip for a few minutes this morning. Today is our day of rest. We are headed to shop!
Morning Devotion w Bobby
Acts 5:13
“Noone else dared join them, even though they were highly regarded people. Nevertheless, more and moremen and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number. As a result ppl brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and matsso that at least Peters shadow might fall ono some of them as he passed by. Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented by evil spirits, and all of them were healed.
Are you a believer?
Are you a believer AND a shaker for the kingdom of God?
We went to the markets today today… the marketplace was a bust. We were looking for authentically made in Africa type things…and what we saw was an awray of backpacks and purses (ALL things we could have bought at Wal Mart) and items that were made in the USA or china!! It was kinda like a giant flea market…except no custom type items…think yard sale items…. Just when I was about to get discouraged Shalom took us to this little restaurant right down the road that also had a gift shop…all the items were made by widows and children from local orphanges. Jackpot. SO many beautiful pieces. We are scored!
Theresa, Don, Meredith, Nathan, Rod, Diana & I all went to an american cuisine restaurant for lunch. Yep, I was odd man out--Phillip Brooks, you will always come with me from now on--I miss yoU!!!!! It was fun though. Something I ate is not settling well… my tummy is in an uproar!
THEN, we visited Pastor James’ home and then Shaloms. We saw lots of children. The wa o flife here is just so completely opposite of anything I have experienced in Mashall County, ALABAMA!!! And again, so much need. Got some amazing shots…cant wait to get home so I can share my pictures!!
We came back to the hotel and some of the others went to visit the technical school.
One thing I struggle with is the needs vs. the culture here. For example, we have seen so many children playing or sitting in the dirt with no clothes on. When we went to the market there was a great abundance of clothes. If, in America, well…lets just take it a little closer to home. When the tornadoes came through, we came together as a community to help meet one anothers needs. Now, I understand the need here is far greater than I can phathom…even, AFTER having seen it. But, there were literally people working in the marketplace and children, who looked like they belonged to the person running the little stands/shops with no clothes on. So, I reason, this is just not something they see as a necessity?? For the first week, after seeing barely clothed or naked children, I was kicking myself at not bringing more of my kids clothes with us to give. I guess now, Im just not sure how to feel. When I talk to mom’s here, the greatest need, their prayer requests are always the same.. And they have nothing to do with clothing or any material needs… They are 1. Physical healing 2. Finances for school fees and 3. For their child to increase in knowledge, to have a teachable spirit. Uhhhh, a little backwards to our culture… I am ashamed to say. But, maybe.. A little dead on??? Perhaps, a little more where our hearts and heads should be?? Don’t get me wrong… I’m not saying you’ll see Max & Kylee playing outside in the buff anytime soon…BUT, PARENTS:::: what if…we took just ONE of the days before schools starts back this year, and instead of spending the entire day going from store to store shopping for back to school clothes… what if… we spent that time covering.. I mean bathing our children in prayer FOR their health, provision, protection, for SOUND minds---the MIND OF CHRIST!! Just a thought.
Thru all the frustration and struggles of this trip…the high points, for me… have been like soaring thru the clouds. Revelation. Truth. Light. Conviction. Forgiveness. Grace. Love. Compassion. PASSION. And I have mentioned how much I absolutely adore my husband & children? From running water to the very ones we hold closest to our hearts… I, for one… take way too much for granted. And I am thankful for this time to re-evaluate my life, my priorities…my loves. Be Blessed friends. Yesu mari!!!!!! Jesus LOVE YOU! in African.
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